Teams With The Most MLB World Series Wins

Teams With The Most MLB World Series Wins

The MLB World Series has crowned World Series Winners since 1903, with several teams dominating the title count.

The New York Yankees lead with 27 titles, the first in 1923 and the latest in 2009, showcasing their historical prowess.

The St. Louis Cardinals follow with 11 titles, their first in 1926 and most recent in 2011. The Oakland Athletics and Boston Red Sox each boast nine titles, with their wins spanning from the early 20th century to the late 20th and early 21st centuries.

The San Francisco Giants have claimed eight titles, and the Los Angeles Dodgers have secured seven, the latest in 2020.

Other notable teams include the Pittsburgh Pirates and Cincinnati Reds, each with five championships, and the Detroit Tigers with four. The Baltimore Orioles round out the list with three titles.

Most World Series Wins By Team

Rank Team World Series Wins First Win Last Win
1 New York Yankees 27 1923 2009
2 St. Louis Cardinals 11 1926 2011
3 Oakland Athletics 9 1910 1989
4 Boston Red Sox 9 1903 2018
5 San Francisco Giants 8 1905 2014
6 Los Angeles Dodgers 7 1955 2020
7 Pittsburgh Pirates 5 1909 1979
8 Cincinnati Reds 5 1919 1990
9 Detroit Tigers 4 1935 1984
10 Baltimore Orioles 3 1966 1983


This list of teams with the most MLB World Seris Championhsips will update at the end of each MLB season