What Are The Best NBA Betting Podcasts?

best nba betting podcasts

For lovers of NBA betting, finding quality resources for insights and strategies is crucial.

Podcasts have become a go-to medium for bettors seeking expert analysis, predictions, and discussions on everything from game previews to deep statistical dives.

Here, we detail seven of the best podcasts specifically tailored to NBA betting enthusiasts.

1. The Ringer NBA Show

The Ringer NBA Show offers comprehensive coverage of all things NBA, including specific episodes and segments focused on betting.

Hosted by a rotating cast of knowledgeable sports journalists and analysts from The Ringer, including founder Bill Simmons, these podcasts provide detailed previews, post-game analyses, and betting advice.

It’s especially useful for bettors looking to understand game contexts and player trends.

2. Bet The Board

Focusing on quality over quantity, Bet The Board is hosted by Todd Fuhrman and Payne Insider, who bring professional insights into NBA betting lines and odds.

This podcast stands out for its detailed breakdowns of games, focusing on statistical analysis and key information that could affect the outcome of games, such as injuries and betting trends.

3. Locked On Bets

Locked On Bets, hosted by your boy Q and handicapping expert Lee Sterling, provides daily betting advice across all major sports, with a strong emphasis on the NBA during the season.

It’s ideal for those who want quick, daily updates and tips, often highlighting under-the-radar factors that could influence the betting lines.

4. The Action Network Sports Betting Podcast

The Action Network offers a wide array of sports betting content, with specific episodes dedicated to the NBA.

Hosted by seasoned bettors and analysts, it dives into the analytics of betting, offering game-by-game betting advice, strategies for different types of bets, and discussions on how external factors like public sentiment and weather can influence game outcomes.

5. You Better You Bet

A more entertainment-focused betting podcast, You Better You Bet mixes humor and sports betting advice, making it one of the more enjoyable listens without sacrificing insight.

Hosted by Nick Kostos and Ken Barkley, this podcast provides a deep dive into NBA game lines, with a lively discussion on spreads, over/unders, and prop bets.

6. VSIN Best Bets

VSIN (Vegas Stats & Information Network) offers Best Bets as part of its lineup, featuring experts and former sportsbook managers who provide insights from the perspective of seasoned bettors and those who have set the lines.

It’s invaluable for understanding how lines are determined and how to find value in bets.

During the NBA season, it focuses heavily on how market movements and player news can impact betting decisions.

Start Listening!

These are just some of our favorite podcasts to listen to when we need some inspiration fror our NBA parlays.

If you have any others that you like, shoot us a message so that we can check them out!