How Long Are NHL Matches?

How Long Are NHL Matches?

The NHL is loved by the punters for its fast-paced, intense games full of big hits, and often big fights, that keep fans on the edge of their seats.

Having a good understanding of the structure and timing of an NHL game is great for fans, expert NHL tipsters, and anyone new to the sport.

How Long Is An NHL Ice Hockey Match?

So, how long does an NHL game last?

While the scheduled duration is simple, some other factors can change the actual length of the game.

NHL Regulation Time

An NHL game has three periods, each lasting 20 minutes, for a total of 60 minutes of regulation play.

Between each period, there is a 17-minute intermission, allowing players to rest, the ice to be resurfaced and for the fans to grab a beer or hot dog at the bar.

Breakdown of Regulation Time:

  • First Period: 20 minutes
  • First Intermission: 17 minutes
  • Second Period: 20 minutes
  • Second Intermission: 17 minutes
  • Third Period: 20 minutes
  • TOTAL TIME = Around 94 Minutes

In total, the regulation game time and intermissions add up to 94 minutes.

However, this does not account for stoppages in play.

Stoppages in Play

Like many sports, hockey has numerous stoppages that extend the actual duration of the game beyond the 60 minutes of play and two intermissions.

These  NHL stoppages include:

  • Icing and Offside Calls: When these infractions occur, play stops for a faceoff.
  • Penalties: When a penalty is called, the game stops, and the penalized player heads to the penalty box.
  • Goals: Scoring a goal results in a pause to reset and celebrate.
  • Commercial Breaks: Television broadcasts include commercial breaks, typically around two minutes each, further extending the game’s duration.
  • Injuries: If a player is injured, the game halts until they can be safely removed from the ice.

On average, these stoppages can add approximately 45 minutes to an hour to the game.

Overtime and Shootouts

If the game is tied at the end of regulation, it goes into overtime.

The format of overtime varies between the regular season and playoffs.

Regular Season Overtime:

  • Duration: 5 minutes of sudden-death overtime, where the first team to score wins.
  • Format: 3-on-3 play, which opens up the ice and often leads to quick resolutions.
  • Shootout: If no team scores during the 5-minute overtime, the game proceeds to a shootout. Each team selects three players to take penalty shots, and the team with the most goals after these three rounds wins. If the shootout remains tied, it goes to sudden-death rounds until one team scores and the other does not.

Regular season overtime and shootout sessions typically add around 15 to 20 minutes to the game’s total length.

NHL Playoff Overtime:

  • Duration: 20 minutes of sudden-death overtime periods until one team scores.
  • Format: 5-on-5 play, same as regulation time.

NHL Playoff games can go longer than the standard three periods if they remain tied, sometimes lasting multiple overtimes.

The longest playoff game in NHL history lasted over six hours, played between the Red Wings vs. Montreal Maroons: 176 minutes, 3 seconds (6 OTs), back in March 24, 1936.

Total Duration of an NHL Match

Considering all these factors, the total duration of an NHL game can vary widely:

  • Regular Season Game: Typically lasts between 2.5 to 3 hours.
  • Playoff Game: Can last significantly longer, especially with multiple overtime periods.

Example Calculation

For a standard regular-season game with typical stoppages and a shootout, the timeline might look like this:

  • Regulation Play: 60 minutes
  • Intermissions: 34 minutes (2×17 minutes)
  • Stoppages: 45 minutes (approximately)
  • Overtime and Shootout: 20 minutes (if needed)

Total: Approximately 159 minutes or 2 hours and 39 minutes.

Other Factors That Change The Length of an NHL Game.

Several factors can influence the actual game length, including:

  • Pace of Play: Faster games with fewer stoppages can conclude more quickly.
  • Number of Penalties: More penalties lead to more stoppages.
  • Injuries and Reviews: Time taken for injury assessments or video reviews can extend the game.

NHL Matches – Around 94 Minutes Of Gametime

An NHL game’s duration can vary, but typically, a regular-season game lasts between 2.5 to 3 hours, including stoppages, intermissions, and potential overtime or shootouts.

Playoff games, with their extended overtime periods, can last much longer.

Fans should be prepared for a flexible viewing experience, filled with the excitement and that makes hockey such a great sport to watch.

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